Useful information

Telephones of Interest
SOS Galicia and civil protection 112
Emergencies and medical emergencies 061
Santiago tourist information 981 555 129
Pilgrim's Office 981 568 846
Santiago bus station 981 542 416 / 981 542 418
Renfe information and reservations 902 320 320
Tourist Office 981 842 654
Taxi stop 981 844 084
Local Police 981 848 484
Civil Protection 610 558 383
Tourist Office 981 873 007 / 686 587 000
Taxi stop 981 870 466 / 636 273 727
Local Police 981 871 178 / 606 378 004
Civil Protection 981 876 029
A Pobra do Caramiñal
Tourist Office Casa Mariñeira 671 090 262 / 687 482 835
Museo Valle-Inclán 981 831 662
Taxi stop 981 830 420
Local Police 981 843 360 / 607 467 374
Civil Protection 636 485 078
Tourist Office 667 185 576
Taxi stop 981 860 236 (Rianxo) / 981 861 212 (Taragoña)
Local Police 981 860 625 / 609 862 222
Civil Protection 981 860 625 / 609 862 222
Casa do Concello 981 802 062
Casa da Cultura 981 802 472 / 699 681 890
Social services 981 802 466
Sports Hall 981 802 532 / 689 897 223
Clinic 981 810 666
Pharmacy Vila Santiso (Lestrobe) 981 811 012
Pharmacy Otero Quintáns (Tallós) 981 802 124
Civil Protection Padrón 981 812 929
Civil Guard Padrón 981 810 091