It is a representation of your life – José Manuel on the Way of Saint James

2024-04-15 10:45:26

The Way of Saint James is the path to happiness. I would love to start by saying that sometimes in life we don't appreciate everything we have, we complain about stupid things and we don't appreciate the love that God or our family has for us.

Along the way I reflected and realized that happiness is something that, in reality, we are all destined to find, although we do not always see it that way, but sometimes we are pigeonholed in a daily routine, in which we do not realize. of the value of what we have.

While I did my best to reach the main objective, which would be the place where we would rest, I saw that, in reality, that is reflected in life. In life you have to fight not only for yourself, but for your family and for God.

Meeting people was an experience that took me out of my comfort zone and also made me realize that we know these people because God wants us to know them.

This was the perfect opportunity to find God. Once you find God your life changes, everything is easier because you realize that nothing is impossible, you are able to escape your prison.

When I arrived at the cathedral I assimilated that no effort is in vain. That's when you prove to yourself that you could do it and that you can do anything else, the one who sacrifices beats the talented one.

In conclusion, the Way of Saint James is a perfect opportunity to start living being happy and knowing that the path you took to the goal is a representation of your life, in which you will have to go through easy paths, but you will also have to go through paths that will seem impossible to you, which, once you go through them, your way of seeing the world changes. This is how the true Christian faith in God is forged, that faith in which there is no fear or sadness, but the brightness of the sun reigns, but the brightness of the moon also reigns at night, you will be that brightness for the people who want. When everything is dark remember what you could do.

Vía: Delegación de Infancia e Xuventude