A Orixe: diabetes, a path of life

2024-04-26 09:54:36

"A Orixe: diabetes, a way of life" This is the name of the photographic exhibition that arrives at the house of culture Raquel Fernández Soler with the help of the Association of girls, boys and young people with diabetes (Anedia), with the collaboration of the Asociación Amigos do Camiño de Santiago do Barbanza e do Sar A Orixe.

It aims to show the reality of people with diabetes and their families from that starting point that represents the diagnosis, from the origin, to portrays the different stages of this new path to be traveled.

The exhibition made up of 24 images remains until May 7 in the said municipal facility, with visits from 11.00 to 13.30 and from 17.00 to 20.00 .

Via: Council of A Pobra do Caramiñal